Yarr The Pirate!

Im back. So whats the best UI Mod?
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Author:  Severus [ Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yah thats true. As a lock I really never have to worry about mana (life tap) but I do wish that the priests,druids, pallies can med in the middle of battle. So I think its annoying that you HAVE to wipe if you cant succeed. No Sleeps or stuns (on most bosses at least)

Author:  goDeejay [ Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yarr, what server are you on

Author:  Yurichan [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 2:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Yarr wrote:
WoW at its hardest is harder than FFXI because you cant Mana burn in WoW. It takes more team work in WoW than FFXI.

thats true, you cant manaburn party in wow.. but at the same time.. its just so much easier in WoW because of the fact people can just spam thier best spell and whatever, get away with it.. no real skill involved like in FFXI imo.

you get a mage in WoW.. ok.. arcane missles spam, yaaaay.. i play priest myself.. sometimes it could be a challenge (i do pugs alot), but its soo much easier.. well, to me WoW in every aspect (except pvp cause ffxi didnt really have a pvp base) is 100x easier.

Author:  goDeejay [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a small question about an addon, and I dont think it deserves its own thread so i'll ask here:


Whats that circle thing in the center of this person's bottom bars? The one with the little shaman symbol.....

Author:  Ultimaj [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

WoW raiding takes a fuckton more skill than anything ffxi ever had to offer

Author:  goDeejay [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

HTANKS 4 THE HLEP J!!!!!! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

Author:  Ponuh [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:33 pm ]
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Ultimaj wrote:
WoW raiding takes a fuckton more skill than anything ffxi ever had to offer


Author:  Ponuh [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:34 pm ]
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I'm getting the heebies to come back to wow despite having no characters other than like a 42 hunter or something. I refuse to waste another summer on that shit though

Author:  Ultimaj [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:22 am ]
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lol stuff like naxxramas, the fight where there are positive/negative charges, and if one person fucks up everyone's dead. ffxi just zerg everything and rez mid-fight/rotate people in and out hahaha

Author:  Macabre [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:26 am ]
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I am w/ J about the difficult of raiding in BC. MC I would say is easier then FFXI at most aspects and all it is is zerg zerg zerg. But when you get into the BC raid content, things become much harded due to only having 25 people. I mean hell, just look at the maulgar fight alone, 6 differnt mobs to contend w/. Now I can't say anything past Magtheridon, as I haven't attempted SSC before I "took a break". But things seem difficult up to BT and Hyjal, and judging by how some guilds are flying through the new content from 2.1 patch, it looks much easier then the content before 2.1

Author:  Pix [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:05 am ]
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Its not that the content is easier, it's that the content was pretty much bug free when it was released. You didn't have guilds that were stuck on a boss that was impossible because of certain elements that weren't tested or fixed on the PTR. Also the guild that cleared all of Mount Hyjal and Black Temple almost fought every boss on the PTR while testing it. They knew what to expect and how to prepare when the patch went live.

Author:  Ponuh [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Pix wrote:
Its not that the content is easier, it's that the content was pretty much bug free when it was released. You didn't have guilds that were stuck on a boss that was impossible because of certain elements that weren't tested or fixed on the PTR. Also the guild that cleared all of Mount Hyjal and Black Temple almost fought every boss on the PTR while testing it. They knew what to expect and how to prepare when the patch went live.

The PTR is a necessary (?) evil, I think. A big, big evil. Who'd have thought that guilds would prep for new encounters and waste hundreds of hours fighting shit for no real loot. But I guess they do, and because of it they can clear instances in two weeks.

But you're right, at least it's not very buggy.

Author:  Eternus [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey its better than people wiping to AV countless times, that mob was only tested by the development team and has only been ninja fixed. Then when someone finally kills it, they have to use hacks and exploits to do so. To make it worse, the first AV kill drops absolutely nothing. The thing can't be stunned, silenced, gravitied, or anything else and spams spells that can oneshot an entire alliance of 75s. I am sure the dev team beat that with 18 75 characters... yeah riiiight.

Author:  Yurichan [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:54 am ]
Post subject: 

each game really has its hardpoint i guess.. only reason why i say wow is easier than ffxi is mainly cause if everyone just follows the leaders orders, you really wont wipe.. morons who think they can go out and kill shit solo (i've encountered alot of PUG shadow priests like this) will get you wiped. but i still dont really see the hardness in it. could just be me though.

Author:  Ponuh [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Yurichan wrote:
each game really has its hardpoint i guess.. only reason why i say wow is easier than ffxi is mainly cause if everyone just follows the leaders orders, you really wont wipe.. morons who think they can go out and kill shit solo (i've encountered alot of PUG shadow priests like this) will get you wiped. but i still dont really see the hardness in it. could just be me though.

I don't think you're talking about the difficult parts if your point involves PUG shadowpriests. I'm pretty sure people are referring to raid instances.

Author:  Ultimaj [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:09 pm ]
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lol yeah was trying to compare the end-game in ffxi to the end-game in wow

Author:  Severus [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 4:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

goDeejay wrote:
I have a small question about an addon, and I dont think it deserves its own thread so i'll ask here:


Whats that circle thing in the center of this person's bottom bars? The one with the little shaman symbol.....

The addon for warlocks is called Necrosis, its what I use for my lock. Look for the creator of the Necrosis addon and youll be able to figure out the names of the other ones.

Author:  Balidorn [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ultimaj wrote:
WoW raiding takes a fuckton more skill than anything ffxi ever had to offer

late post... but QFT....

WoW requires a lot more coordination than ffxi.... and people don't realize how invaluable raising midfight is in ffxi... vs. being stuck with battle raise in wow which is class specific and on a long ass cooldown.

Lots of shit in WoW allows for only a slim margin for error in most cases. People need to know their jobs and their roles in instances- especially with the raid difficulty going up and the maximum number of players allowed going down compared to pre- BC release.

FFxi... you partial wipe on a king or HNM.. you just sleep it, raise, switch in/out other people, etc. WoW, you can't afford many screwups. yeah leveling is tons easier than ffxi.... yeh making money is tons easier than ffxi... yeh crafting is easier than ffxi... but ffxi's endgame is MUCH easier than WoW's endgame at this point.

Author:  Alderan [ Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:55 pm ]
Post subject: 


thats my UI that i use in raids i move a few things around for group and solo play just click it to see full sized im to lazy to reconfig it i like it, and for as much stuff as i have on there it dosent take up much memory, it's basically AG unit frames with EE panels a few chat mods, SwS stats (best raiding damage and healer meters IMO) KTM the beta version of decursive 2.0 umm what else... o cartographer map mod... and umm i think that's it it's fully custom though

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